Sofia was a normal happy 11 year old. Then she was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukaemia. Here, Sofia tells her story...
Hi, my name is Sofia. I'm 11yrs old and recently I was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukaemia or as everyone else calls it, AML.
Until recently I was a normal girl that likes junk food, watching DVDs, arguing with my sisters and brothers and not liking school! When I went on a camping trip with my Mum she noticed I was extremely tired a lot compared to the other kids my age, I thought I was just chillaxin a lot!
My Mum asked the doctors for a blood test and on the night before my Dad's birthday I was asked to go into hospital. They spoke to my parents and because it was my Dad's birthday and I worked so hard to make his cake they let me go home for the night but I had to return the next morning to hospital.
That morning I was told I had leukaemia and I was going to get very poorly.
I saw my Mum and Dad start to worry and told them not to, that I got this and I was going to get better. We moved to Birmingham Children's Hospital and I've been here since.
I have a rare form of leukaemia and it's going to be a tough fight but I'm ready for it. I have so much love and support from everyone I want to make sure I use it the best I can. That's why I decided to raise money to help other children like me. Because my condition is rare the medicine I'm using is also rare as it's a trial. I hope it will work but if I don't do it I can't help other children either. I believe I'm strong enough and the doctors say I'm doing amazing too.
So please help me raise as much as possible to help the doctors, nurses and the other children that will get the same bad news I did.
I've already started by donating my hair to make wigs for other children with the same problem as me... We're all worth it, trust me!
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