Ben passed away only one year after being diagnosed with cancer. He wanted to start Pass The Smile to make other people happy, even whilst enduring intensive treatment. Here, his parents tell his story...
Ben was diagnosed with alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma in June 2018. He gained his superhero wings in June 2019 and now flies high with the birds and the angels. He stays with us forever in our hearts.
Before diagnosis he was a bright, happy, cheeky boy. He remained the same despite the ongoing brutal effects of his chemotherapy treatment. Even when first diagnosed he wanted to Pass his Smile to other people to cheer them up. Pass The Smile was born.
Treatment for rhabdomyosarcoma has not advanced for decades and survival rates are shockingly poor. As his parents, we believe it shouldn't be like this and more research into better, kinder, targeted treatments is desperately needed. In Ben's name we want to fundraise to try and help achieve this.
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You can make a donation or pay in funds raised by cheque, payable to CCLG, to CCLG, Century House, 24 De Montfort Street, Leicester LE1 7GB. Please ensure you make it clear that the donation is for Pass The Smile for Ben so that your donation is allocated to the correct fund.
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