Freddie Kicking Cancer's Butt

Raising funds for research into rhabdomyosarcoma

Freddie Kicking Cancer's Butt is a Special Named Fund at CCLG raising money for research into rhabdomyosarcoma.

Freddie was eight years old when he was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma. His mum, Charmaine, shares his story…

Freddie was full of energy, loved football and was a competitive swimmer. He enjoyed school and socialising with his friends. Our last holiday before Freddie was diagnosed was in May 2023, and he spent his time swimming in the lakes, searching for sea glass on the beach and being a handsome and fun-loving little boy.  

Freddie became unwell a month or so before his diagnosis. He had always suffered with bouts of tonsillitis, but after visiting the doctor and A&E departments copious amounts of times at two different hospitals, he was told that he had a combination of tonsillitis, sinusitis and hay fever. Freddie was given the appropriate medicines and antibiotics, but nothing seemed to shift it. His nose was always blocked and full, so he would be continuously blowing it. Just a week into June, Freddie’s breathing started to deteriorate at night when laying down. Sleep apnea occurred, which became a huge struggle for Freddie. 

Freddie was then admitted to Broomfield Children’s Ward, where he underwent an MRI and CT scan. The results from these suggested a thornwaldt cyst, and Freddie was blue lighted to Great Ormond Street Hospital, where he had surgery to remove the cyst. Once back from the theatre, Freddie’s surgeon said that the cyst was in fact a mass and would be sent for biopsy. Two weeks later, on the 26th June 2023, Freddie was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma nasopharyngeal soft tissue cancer.  

Freddie went through 9 rounds of intense chemotherapy, followed by 7 weeks of daily radiotherapy and chemotherapy. He then had 6 months of maintenance chemotherapy and is now undergoing a further 6 months of chemotherapy, which requires daily oral and a weekly IV at Great Ormond Street Hospital. 

Freddie has endured so much in a short period of time. It’s been gruelling, but he has been extremely brave. Freddie’s resilience to everything that he has, and the way he continues to battle on, amazes us. We are immensely proud of our little super hero. 

Freddie loves to play football! However, due to his central lines and gastro peg, he is unable to take part in contact sports, so he can currently only partake in football training. Freddie also adores the water and enjoys spending time creating art pieces. He loves the outdoors, but is also happy to play on his PlayStation with friends or construct his Lego.  

We wanted to set up Freddie’s Special Named Fund to raise awareness of childhood cancer, specifically rhabdomyosarcoma. We wanted to support Freddie and all those fighting this hideous disease. It will inspire Freddie to remain positive and keep kicking cancers butt.  

We decided to set up the fund with CCLG as Freddie enjoyed selling the gold ribbon pin badges, so it seemed fitting to choose this charity. Freddie’s mantra since his diagnosis has been ‘I am kicking cancers butt’, so we have decided to call the fund Freddie Kicking Cancer’s Butt, as it is something we, and everyone who has supported him, knows. 

Make a donation to Freddie Kicking Cancer's Butt
Open an online fundraising page for Freddie Kicking Cancer's Butt
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Fundraising pages

Text CCLGFREDDIE to 70450 to donate £5.

CCLG will receive 100% of your donation. You may also be charged for one text message at your network’s standard or charity rate.

You can make a donation or pay in funds raised by cheque, payable to CCLG, to CCLG, Century House, 24 De Montfort Street, Leicester LE1 7GB. Please ensure you make it clear that the donation is for Freddie Kicking Cancer's Butt so that your donation is allocated to the correct fund. 

100% of funds raised will go towards research into rhabdomyosarcoma